Click the link below to read this week's complete Weekend Reminder:

Sunday, January 12
- 9:30am – Worship (Livestream)
- 10:45am Sunday School Hour -
- K-5 Sunday School in Room 5 (The Old Fellowship Hall downstairs)
- Middle and High School FLY - Any youth in grades 6-12 are invited to the FLY Room, each Sunday for faith-filled discussions about what is going on in their lives!
- Adult Sunday School in the Fireside Room! Continues with “Living the Questions” led by Andy Meyer . If you are joining by Zoom, please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83028519140?from=addon
- 11:45pm – FLW Meeting - Come one and come all!! We’ll be discussing fundraising activities, Valentines, Family Services, Lent Suppers, and Interfaith Quilt Café. We would love your input and ideas!! in the Big Room!
Tuesday, January 14
- 9:00am-10:00am - Brass Angels in the Choir Room
- 1:00pm - Staff Meeting in the Fireside Room
- 5:00pm - Council Meeting & Council Budget Review in the Fireside Room
Wednesday, January 15
- 1:00pm-4:00pm - LWR Sewing Group in Room USW-C please contact Char Lemkee at calemkee@yahoo.com or 303-651-7484 for more information. Now meeting from 1pm-4pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month!
Thursday, January 16
- 10:30am - Adult Bible Study - This year’s class will center our attention on the Book of Genesis. Leaders will be Pastor Sally Ponfick & Pastor Garrett Struessel. Lessons will be related to Charles and Ann Hummel’s small called “Genesis: God’s Creative Call.” If you need a book, see Maria.
- 7:00pm-8:30pm – Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Choir loft. Come lift your voices!
Saturday, January 18
- 5:30pm - Worship
- 6:30pm-8:00pm - Third Saturday Game Night! Following the Saturday evening worship service, we will meet in the Big Room to enjoy all sorts of games and fellowship! Bring a friend! Everyone is invited! A Fun Time is guaranteed!! Popcorn and Lemonade provided!
Sunday, January 19
- 9:30am – Worship (Livestream)
- 10:45am Sunday School Hour -
- K-5 Sunday School in Room 5 (The Old Fellowship Hall downstairs)
- Middle and High School FLY - Any youth in grades 6-12 are invited to the FLY Room, each Sunday for faith-filled discussions about what is going on in their lives!
- Adult Sunday School in the Fireside Room! Continues with “Living the Questions” led by Andy Meyer . If you are joining by Zoom, please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83028519140?from=addon
- 11:30am - Annual Budget Review in the Big Room - You are encouraged to attend and participate in this year's Budget Review meeting. Questions regarding the 2025 Mission Spending Plan (Budget) should be asked during this meeting, so we can minimize questions at the Annual Meeting on January 26th and approve the 2025 Mission Spending Plan quickly.